
One of the transports available for Cambion uses RabbitMQ to send data between instances of Cambion. The RabbitMQ transport requires a dedicated RabbitMQ instance either hosted on a dedicated server or in the cloud. This documentation will not cover how to set up RabbitMQ as there are detailed instructions on their website.


As with other transports, the RabbitMQ transport for Cambion is also available on NuGet so you can install it using the NuGet Package Manager Console:

Install-Package Whitestone.Cambion.Transport.RabbitMQ


The RabbitMQ transport can be set up using one of the two provided extension methods. The easiest of these uses the standard single line URI:

ICambion cambion = new CambionConfiguration()

When you need more control over the RabbitMQ setup you should use the extension method that overrides the default configuration:

ICambion cambion = new CambionConfiguration()
    .Transport.UseRabbitMQ(conf => {
                    conf.Connection.Hostname = "hostname";
        conf.Connection.Username = "username";
        conf.Connection.Password = "password";
        conf.Connection.VirtualHost = "vhost";

Additional settings

Cambion uses a pub/sub pattern, and will create a durable “fanout” exchange with auto-delete enabled by default. This exchange is named cambion.fanout.

It will also create a durable and exclusive queue with auto-delete enabled, named cambion-<Guid>, and connect this to the previously created exchange. Seeing as it has a Guid in its name the name will be unique.

The exchange/queue names and types can be configured using the extension method that overrides the default configuration. The following is a list of all possible configuration parameters:

Group Parameter name Required Description Default value
Connection Hostname Yes The hostname of the RabbitMQ server null
Username Yes The username needed to connect null
Password Yes The password needed to connect null
VirtualHost No The vhost on the RabbitMQ server “/”
Port No The port that RabbitMQ listens on 5672
Exchange Name No The name of the exchange “cambion.fanout”
Type No Exchange type “fanout”
Durable No Creates a durable exchange true
AutoDelete No Exchange will be deleted when no longer in use true
Queue Name No The name of the queue “cambion-<Guid>”
Durable No Creates a durable queue true
Exclusive No Creates an exclusive queue true
AutoDelete No Queue will be deleted when no longer in use true


The Exchange.Type must be one of RabbitMQ’s supported types: fanout, direct, headers or topic. These are subject to change.


Cambion uses a pub/sub pattern. RabbitMQ recommends using a fanout exchange for this pattern, so it is recommended to leave the Exchange.Type setting to its default value.

For more detailed descriptions of these settings, refer the RabbitMQ documentation.

To use a non-durable exchange named “Cambion”, with a non-exclusive and non-durable queue named “CambionQueue”, you can use the following configuration:

ICambion cambion = new CambionConfiguration()
    .Transport.UseRabbitMQ(conf => {
                    conf.Connection.Hostname = "hostname";
        conf.Connection.Username = "username";
        conf.Connection.Password = "password";
        conf.Exchange.Name = "Cambion";
                    conf.Exchange.Durable = false;
                    conf.Queue.Name = "CambionQueue";
                    conf.Queue.Exclusive = false;
                    conf.Queue.Durable = false;